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Sunday, April 1, 2012

A good deal on KFC Flavor Shots meal

When you're on a tight budget and you're looking for something to tame your hunger, then you should head to KFC and have a fill of their Streetwise selection. At 50php you can already have a decent meal. Their Flavor Shots with rice and drink is, I assume, their best seller since this is what most of their customers order whenever we decide to eat at KFC.

Flavor Shots meal (50php)

On our last visit at their Robinson's Galleria branch, we actually had a taste of their 50php worth of rice meal. Since Toby had requested for this and I guess he was just short on cash, I agreed to try it with him even if I was a bit hesitant. The food was okay, it was worth the price. Their chicken cubed breaded shots were tasteful especially with mushroom sauce poured on it. The gravy makes a big difference, too. Like Toby and a lot of people, they usually let their rice drown in gravy. Other meals there are very affordable as well. They have chicken burger and spaghetti meals, all at reasonable prices.

Two thumbs up for Streetwise meals

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