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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Burger King's BBQ-nator

My friends have been asking why I haven't made any new post on my blog these past weeks. Basically, I'm taking summer classes this break and even though I badly want to update every now and then, it gets difficult to maintain writing and trying to catch up on my retakes this summer. Yeah, it sucks not to be able to enjoy summer like everyone else. To add insult to injury, this summer classes, I have a very long and painful 6 hours break in between the two subjects I'm currently taking. You probably think I could use those hours to write, I did too, but sadly the pressure and exhaustion at school doesn't really help me to get inspired.

However, I still do try to venture out on good food finds with Toby and some of my summer classmates. Though, sadly, I don't get to take shots of the meals we had especially when I'm at school.

One of the few grubs that I've actually manage to take photos of was on my first day of summer classes just last week when I decided to spend my looong break with Toby at Robinson's Galleria.

Guess what, we had burgers again! Haha.

So, it was exactly lunch time when I arrived at Galle to meet Toby. It was actually a first for me to be there during that time on a weekday. And boy was it crowded! All the food stalls at the first 2 floors of the building was cramped up with hungry office and summer class free people (can you sense my bitterness?). I was almost ready to lose my appetite but then we decided to go to uppest floor to survey the restaurants there.

There wasn't much of a difference; KFC, Greenwich, Teriyaki Boy, Max's, etc. were filled with diners too. Though, there were still a few places left to have a chaotic less lunch - the pricey bistros that I really don't like dining in, so screw that.

It practically took us a while to be able to make a decision where exactly to have lunch that we ended up just going to Burger King, AGAIN.

There were also considerably a lot of people at Burger King but because they we're giving away coupons, which I assume contributes to the overwhelming diners at that hour, we thought we might as well avail the discounts too, like all ‘em hungry lunchers.

We had a try of their lesser version of Wendy's Baconator, the Double BBQ Bacon and Cheese. The coupon lets you have this plus fries and drinks for the price of its single patty burger meal version. Not bad, right?

Sadly, the promo doesn't compensate for how the burger tasted. The BBQ sauce was too overpowering that I really didn't get to enjoy and appreciate the other ingredients in the burger. I thought to myself, why they even bothered putting other stuffs on it when they just plan to drown it with their sub-standard BBQ sauce.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against BBQ sauce, I actually like it specifically with McNuggets but with the meal we’ve had, it was too much. A hint would’ve been better, in my opinion. Toby had the same thing in mind but little issues such as this doesn't stop him from devouring the burger; being the pig that he is.

What else, well, the bacon seemed artificial and it looked peculiarly like a card board. I’m trying to picture the reaction of RichieZ of The Pickiest Eater on Burger King’s disappointing bacon strips. I’m pretty sure he’ll throw a fit if he saw it, that's how crazy serious he takes his BaconZ. Haha!

The patty, well, it was okay. Frame broiled blah blah blah…I probably had too much of Burger King that I hardly get to appreciate it anymore. Sorry!

I was facing the right side half of the time because of the TV (No, not because of the grown old men on laptops) which kept me preoccupied during our stay at BK

Nevertheless, the entire meal was still satisfying. I can say it was worth the price especially with an aided discount from the coupon. It's nice to know that Burger King consistently tries to pamper their customers with various promotions and hooks. I do hope they keep this up for the benefit of their ever famished consumers like Toby and I.

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