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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Burger Avenue: Half the price for the maximum burger experience!

Lately, Toby and I have been fond of looking for promos and deals on food, may it be on group buying sites or just the regular promotions offered by restaurants.

Luckily, we came across two burger deals online. One was at Chili's and their 120php on burgers promo that we weren't able to try simply because when we went to their Greenhills branch last 24, an intensely long line outside the bistro "welcomed" us. Yeah, the deal was a catch but not to the extent that we were willing to fall in line under the excruciating sun.

The other promo we encountered was Burger Avenue's Anniversary Promo. They offered 50% off on all their selections, except on beers. You just needed to print the ad they posted online and voila you’re entitled to the discount!

How can we let a good deal such as this pass? We couldn't. Its why regardless if my parents wouldn’t let me out on a Sunday, I decided to snuck out to meet Toby and go to Burger Ave at Makati. Haha!

It was an adventure for us on how to get there since no one between Toby and I knew exactly where A-venue Mall was. I was familiar on how to get to Makati Ave since my brother's fiancĂ© lives there. However, we hardly ever stay around the place it’s why I barely know the roundabouts.

Thankfully, it wasn’t traffic and it took us only almost a little more than half an hour to get to Makati Ave from Antipolo, and only a few minutes to spot A-venue Mall.

At Burger Ave, I was surprise how the place looked very different from the photos I've seen online. It was pretty small and cramped up and can only house about 4 to 5 groups of 4? Something like that. The air-conditioning was also poor but nevertheless it was manageable.

Far from what I've anticipated, there weren’t many customers on our visit, which was good since we were able to enjoy our visit peaceably.

During our stay, I had the Crispy Bacon Melt while Toby had their famous Ridiculous burger. We also had an extra order of their fries and 2 sodas in can. Our total bill reached over 600php but because of the promo, we only paid half of it. Awesome!

The trip and all the fuzz were all worth it. Their burgers were simply amaziiing! I really loved its rich flavor. Personally, I like their Crispy Bacon Melt compared to Wendy's version. Their burger was definitely an upgrade from the fast food we usually get. The freshly grilled, 100% all beef quarter pounder patty fills up all the spaces of the bun, and the burger is laced with crisp lettuce, fresh tomatoes and cheese. it tasted insanely and out-of-this-earth delicious! It probably tasted even better because they use an oatmeal bun, which I thought was clever and healthy. It was no wonder why I instantly fell in love with Burger Avenue.

Toby and the burger I suggested him to try, the Ridiculous burger, were a perfect match too. He enjoyed engulfing the 3 beef patty burger with huge tomatoes and chunks of lettuce sandwiched between to oatmeal buns. I was amused watching him take a bite out of the monstrous burger; it was like the burger was destined for him and his big appetite. Haha!

By the way, for those who don't know, the Ridiculous burger is Burger Ave's best selling burger not only because of its ridiculous serving but because of the challenge that goes along with it. The deal is to eat a triple patty burger with lettuce, tomato and three cheese slices; consume everything in 5 minutes or less and they will refund your payment for the ridiculous burger. Your name and photo will also be posted on their wall.

However, Toby didn't take the challenge on our visit. I think it was better not to since we already got it cheap that day. Maybe, he'll try it some other time. Who knows, I may be up to do the challenge too! Haha.

Coming over at Burger Avenue was no regrets for us. It was definitely one of our memorable burger experiences to date. Their delicious and mouth watering burgers are really to die for, and I mean this well. Its why if you're looking for the best tasting burgers in Metro Manila then head to Burger Avenue for a burger-gasmic experience!

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