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Monday, April 2, 2012

What's for breakfast?

Tropical Hut, Q-Plaza branch

Toby writes:

Breakfast is the most important and Pen's favorite meal of the day. And, only one restaurant acknowledges this fact; it's none other than Tropical Hut with their delicious Hamburger Meal.

I've been enjoying this for a really long time, and when Pen got tired of the usual breakfast we were having at a very popular fast food chain, I suggested that she should have a taste of Tropical Hut’s breakfast meal for a change. I'm really glad that she was delighted to try when I brought it up to her.

Hamburger Meal (90php)

The meal consists of 2 fried eggs, a burger patty, 3 butter toasts, and a slice of tomato and cucumber. The meal is accompanied by a cup of brewed coffee, which has one free refill, and a glass of juice of your choice. Talk about complete diet in the morning. The burger patty is juicy and tender, the eggs are cooked to our liking (sunny side up), and their toasts are sweet, buttery, milky, and very tasty (literally and figuratively). Having a first bite of this gives you something more than taste but a breakfast dining experience as well. The meal is really heavy and you can go through most of the day without eating lunch. A real value for money!

Tropical Hot-brewed coffee

If you are tired of the same old routinary breakfast meal you're having for years now, then we suggest that you treat your taste buds for a delightful and filling meal, the Tropical Hut Hamburger Breakfast. Oh, and after trying, don't even try making one at home; you'll just be disappointed.

Pen, thrilled to have her favorite breakfast meal

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