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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Unhappy Lemon

Happy Lemon, Greenhills branch

Months ago, a lot of my friends have been enthused about a Hongkong franchise called Happy Lemon in Promenade. And since Toby's office is just near Greenhills, we decided to give it a try after his work.

Despite their modern and cozy interiors, the place was quite small and crowded. And since it's near Promenade's entry point, there were a lot of rowdy passers by which made the place a bit more annoying. Disappointingly, I didn't find their space that welcoming. However, for the sake of experience, we still did stay at Happy Lemon. We sat outside their shop, smoked cigarettes while we consume our milk teas.

Toby and I had an order of Milk Tea with Black Pearl Sago and Milk Tea with Oreo Cookies & Cream, both priced at 100php.

The price was a tad bit high considering their serving sizes were small. At first, I wondered why the price difference between the regular and large was only 10php but then I noticed that their cups didn't have that much of a difference. The taste was good but nothing I'd crave over. The "twist" didn't really made an impact on me. Overall, the experience was okay. Not something I would recommend for a second go though.

Toby, happier than the lemon

Happy Lemon
G/F Promenade, Greenhills
San Juan, Metro Manila

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