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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

H.I.D? Not quite

Since most of my friends know how much I love burgers, they suggested that we try at H.I.D (Healthy Irresistible Delicious) Burgers, a recently established burger joint just around our district that serves healthy gourmet burgers and chicken tenders. However, my friends and I never really had the chance to visit the place since most of us were busy with college. And so, it was up to me and my ever hungry boyfriend to sample their so called "healthy" burgers.

Situated within Pheonix Gasoline Station along Imelda Ave., the place wasn't really that appealing. I didn't like the fact that the diner was an open area considering its location. However, I do commend that their place was well kept and that it was inviting regardless of their very simple layout.

Food wise, they didn't really had much to offer. Their menu had several burgers listed but some of their burgers are the same, only a condiment more than the other. Out of their 12 selections, none of which caught my attention. And so, we decided to just order their basic H.I.D Cheese Burgers.

H.I.D Cheese Burger (90php/burger)

Served in pan de sal buns, their burgers were actually quite good despite their small size. It was juicy and its patty seemed authentic enough.

Toby taking a huge bite on his puny burger

Overall, I wasn't really that impress with H.I.D. Burgers. Was it really healthy as they say? I don't know. I wasn't able to feel that it was. I thought their food was okay, nothing different. But it was a good experience to have tried their burgers and I still did enjoyed our stay. Kudos to H.I.D!

H.I.D. Burgers
Phoenix Gas Station, Imelda Ave.,
Cainta Rizal

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