Blogger Widgets

Monday, August 8, 2011


I kept asking my boyfriend to do a blog about our food trips from the time we've gone back into dating but because of his "hectic" schedule at work, he never had the time to start a blog, and so I've decided why not do the writing myself.

Why am I so eager to put up a blog about our food tripping? For starters, it's simply because I love food and eating, and I enjoy the food trips my boyfriend and I have every after our busy day at work/class. Basically, pigging out has become our stress reliever, and definitely, our bonding time as well. I enjoy eating as much as I enjoy being with Toby. However, I do have some minor issues with food and eating. Since I used to weigh more before, I'm really conscious of my calorie intake and whatnot. I've always struggled with my diet, and gaining weight bothers me a lot. But I don't consider myself as someone with serious disorder, I'm just naturally picky with what, where, and how I eat. Although, for the sake of my health, I've been trying to get my normal/healthy appetite back. Thankfully, with the help of Toby, family, and friends, I have somehow learned to control my insane diet cycles and had gone back to enjoying good food.

In this blog you'll read about our not so very interesting food adventures. Since we're on a tight budget, entries are mostly on cheap eateries, fast/comfort foods, and/or home made recipes.


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